Monday, October 20, 2008

penat yang bakal menanti....

semalam ade sesi fitness dgn dak silat......... adeh gile la aku nye kati ni tahap nk tercabut dah kitorang g taman jaya wat kt sne........ pas tu dapat news yang ade demo and ambil bengkung........... huh!!!!!!!!???????? ade dah la minggu exam........... mesti penat nak posting lagi nak exam lagi nak latihan lagi latihan start malam esok......... hehe.mcm tak biase lak aku ni merungut je kan???????? tah la kite tengok je la mcm ne kan........
oh ye mcm2 jd skrg ni..memang steresssssss gile........and baru pagi tadi dpt news pasal sowang kwn aku ni tah ape tah mslh shout out die tulis "semue org tak leh caye...kwn pun sme"
man what the hell is going on!!!!!!!!!!
ude aku pun sm senget ade mslh nk mrah2 aku lak abah die...em abah die abah aku la kan????????? bukan aku tak tolong setle kan pun siap tolong lg......... clean and clear aku tlg.....ape lg??????hish tak fhm aku die nih?????
mcm2 jd sometime aku rs tak larat............asik aku je yang kne jg ati org!!!!!!!!aduh ni yang nk nangis ni hish jgn ilanh macho ti!!!!!!!!ok ok control.........hahaha nk g mkn la pk hal ni aku mkn pun tak lagi.........denga lagu move along lg best selain dari zikir la tua tu!!!!!!

posting yang adventure haha..........

salam hi........hahaha
bru je bukak blog ni.......skrg ni tgh posting PKM.posting luar kat batu arang.........
posting ni 3 group aku selang seli luar,dlm,luar.........
nak jd cite batu arang ni tempat nye jauh gle......... 1 jam 45 min dari PPUM ke batu arang
jln dah la mcm ular kene palu.........pastu ble naik bus mcm naik kuuuuudaaaaaaaaa..........
whoa..........korang pepaham jelah yer.........hahaha
tapi best la pengalaman ni sbb dpt berinteraksi dengan pesakit luar bukan kt ward je.........
hahaha.........tapi kami wat tuk kanak2 n ibu lepas bersalin jer.....
seronok dapat injet bebudak hehehe..........bunyi mcm kejam je kan tapi tak la kejam mne pun ni pun tuk kesihatan diorang gak..........
hah........ari tu Pn kami ajak la g piknik kat area selayang tu ala aku tak ingat la nm tempat tu t klu ingat aku tulis........... ade lak beruk kat situ.......... hish.......risau dah ni ade lak ms aku turun bawak bekas mknn tu ade beruk yang jd ascord kami adus......yang aku tak tahan tu beruk tu memang kejo aku n kwn2 aku yang lain sampai kami tak jadi nak makan dah............
yang aku geram nyer ade mat salleh yang gelak kan aku n kwn2 aku adus bikin hot tul!!!!!!!!!!
beruk tu pun satu mcm tak de orang lain je yang die nk ikut.........last2 kami balik je.......... tapi ms nk balik tu pun cabaran nye nauzubillah ade beruk yang dah wat bunyi n tunjukkan taring ngaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa..........................aku la org yang paling kuat jerit kat situ sbb beruk tu asik kacau aku jer and kejo aku buduh beruk tu!!!!!!!!! hilang macho aku kt situ buduh222222 punye beruk!!!!!!!!!!! and form tht day aku jd fobia lak dgn beruk........... DAM HATE YOU BERUK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, October 17, 2008

may baby

-----------------MAY BABY ------------- ---- Stubborn and hard-hearted. Strong- willed and highly motivated. Sharp thoughts. Easily angered. Attracts others and loves attention. Deep feelings. Beautiful physically and mentally. Firm Standpoint. Needs no motivation. Shy towards oppisite sex. Easily consoled. Systematic (left brain). Loves to dream. Strong clairvoyance. Understanding. Sickness usually in the ear and neck. Good imagination. Good physical. Weak breathing. Loves literature and the arts. Loves traveling. Dislike being at home. Restless. Not having many children. Hardworking. High spirited.......
bile kenang2 balik bile ade yang tny,blikan barang tampe suruh,ambil berat....n mcm2 lglah........ it show tht im not alone........ n aku di sayangi oleh orang disekeliling aku mn tak nye pekerje kt sni yang aku tak kenal pun susah payah offer belikan minyak urutlah....tlg ankat barang lah....belikan makan lah.... aduh kadang2 malu gak rs nye sb aku tak pernah pun kenal dgn die orang ni.....
klu Puan2 lak pn sm gak......... Alhamdullilah syukur pd tuhan sbb sedikan orang2 mcm ni disekeliling aku..... tapi yang sedih Pn tak benarkan aku g walk around the world utk avon ahad ni(T_T) nak gi gak!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wawaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nak gi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kijam nyer tapi le pk blk mmg patut pn aku rehat jap..... mn tak nyer klu ikutkan aku sibuk sejak awal tahun lg............ dgn latihan,MHPrindu kat umah nk balik aku isnin ni start posting kat ward peads 3........ngaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! dgn Pn Haslinda tu...........masak laaaaaaa jawabnyer.........rindu kat mak+ayah+abu my cat...........
ari tu mak cakap ayah tak sihat risau gak lah klu blh ari ni gak aku nk balik..............nk tgk ayah sihat tak ayah tu degil nk g klinik+makan payah besuruh ble balik tu aku ni bukan nurse je sb ayah aku lg pandai cakap dr aku huh!!!!!!!!!!!!nk majok ar(T_T).................
adoi kau marah tul lah dgn orng ni tah sape2 tah cl2 aku lak........nk kenal la,nk tu la,nk nilah.........tak layan ckap aku sombong,belagak,mcm2 la lg nk kate aku..............
''weh suke ati aku la nk kwn dgn ko ke tak ko ingat aku ni tak de kje lain nk layan ko jer cakap kt tepon+bals msg ko??????? dr msg ko ckp dgn ko baik aku cl mak aku ayah aku ude aku lg bagos tak pon anta msg kt kwn2 yang aku kenal tau tak????????? huh!!!!!!susah tol rupenye ade gak org camni dlm dunie!!!!!''
Relief of Pain
A Medical Discovery
IT is a long-established custom among Muslim parents to put a piece of well-chewed date (or other available sweet fruit) in the mouth of a newborn baby. Muslims do this following the practice of the Prophet Muhammad (Pbuh), believing him to be, as the Qur’an says, sent as a healing and a mercy to mankind. We may infer from the way this custom originated that there is a virtue in it. There is - complimentary to the virtue and pleasure of following the Sunnah (the practice of the Prophet) - placing a ‘sugary substance’ inside the mouth of a new-born baby dramatically reduces pain sensation and heart rate. An interesting scientific medical study, published in the British Medical Journal (No 6993, 10 June 1995), proved beyond any doubt the benefit of giving a new-born child sugar, in order to reduce the feeling of any painful procedure like heel pricking for a blood sample or before circumcision.
The study, entitled ‘The analgesic (pain killing) effect of sucrose in full term infants: a randomised controlled trial’, was done by Nora Haouari, Christopher Wood, Gillian Griffiths and Malcolm Levene in the post-natal ward in the Leeds General Infirmary in England. 60 healthy infants of gestational age 37-42 weeks and postnatal age of 1-6 days, were randomized to receive 2ml of one of the four solutions: 12.5% sucrose, 25% sucrose, 50% sucrose, and sterile water (control).
The first group of 30 babies received sugar syrup before a routine blood test (heel pricking, which is usually painful) done to detect jaundice. The other 30 babies were given only sterile water as a control group. Placing 2ml of a 25% or 50% sucrose solution on the tongue before pricking the heel significantly reduced the crying time, compared to babies who got water. Also, their heart rate returned to normal more quickly. The stronger sugar solution had the greater effect, crying being reduced further with increasing concentration of sucrose. From which we may conclude that sucrose (sugar) placed on the tongue may be a useful and safe form of analgesia for use with newborn infants.
Blass and Hoffmeyer also showed that 12% solution of inter-oral sucrose significantly reduced the duration of crying in new-born babies subjected to heel pricking or circumcision. This study was reported in The Independent newspaper (Friday 9 June 1995) as well as in the British Medical Journal article.
The practice of the Prophet (Pbuh) is recorded in the collections of his sayings and reports about him, of which the most revered are the two Sahih collections of Bukhari and Muslim: Abu Buradah reported from Abu Musa, who said: ‘I had a new-born baby; I took him to the Prophet Muhammad, upon him be peace and blessings, who called him Ibrahim. The Prophet chewed a date then he took it and rubbed the inside of the baby’s mouth with it.’ There are many other reported incidents like this one.
The date contains a very high percentage of sugar (70-80%); it has both fructose and glucose which have high calorific values, it is easily and quickly digestible, and very helpful to the brain. The date contains 2.2% protein, vitamin A, vitamins B1, B2 adnicotruic acid (against Pellagra); it has traces of minerals needed for the body such as potassium, sodium, calcium, iron, manganese, copper. Potassium, of which percentage is very high, has been found to be very effective for cases of haemorrhage, such as the occasions of birth or circumcision.
We may note that the Sunnah also commends dates for the breaking of the fast in Ramadhan. Dates should be eaten, if available, before the sunset prayer - this is medically and nutritionally the best way and the Sunnah.
The great worth of dates is also indicated in a famous and beautiful passage of the Qur’an, surah Maryam, verses 25-6:
And shake towards you the trunk of the palm-tree and it will drop on you fresh ripe dates. So eat and drink and be comforted.
This was the prescription of God, the Creator, for the blessed Virgin Mary at the time of the birth of Jesus, the blessed Prophet of God. It was a prescription to make the delivery easy and comfortable. As in the example we have briefly recorded, we believe further research will confirm for those who still doubt the full worth and truth, the wisdom, of the teachings of the Qur’an and Sunnah.
We shall show them our signs on the furthest horizons and within themselves until it becomes clear to them that it is the truth. Is it not sufficient that your Lord is witness over all things? (Fusilat, 41.53)
As the authors of the medical study referred to intend trying new sugary or sweet substances, we shall recommend that they try dates for the newborn for the relief of pain.
maaf la nk balik wassalam(^_^)")


-just suddent fall befor exam at college
-heard sound of bone when fall down
-still countinue to sit for exam peadiatric
-feel radiating pain around ankel
-ankel swelling
-fist come to staffhealth by walking
-staffhealth reject case and send down to A&E for furture investigation

-x-ray (TRO ankl fracture)
after x-ray
finding- may be normal x-ray
-rest for 3 day

-hv alot of xtvts
-loss self esteem
-got exam on friday
-reffuse to rest

aku sprain...............adeh dah lah aku ni jenis yang tak reti duk diam last2 dapat sprain lak gle tul aku tak suke!!!!!!!!!!!!
hah ni nk cite hal ms kene sprain n Tx and all........
pagi tu aku g la kojel nk amk exam peads.......mgkn dok lame atas lantai so aku bangon la memule ok jer last2 rs kebas........and i fall down to floor..... and seterusnye leh la bc kt ats tu aku still sit tuk exam first2 ok jer pastu ms tgh jwb exam tu rs sakit sgt!!!!! gle aar!!!!
abis exam aku g la depan seek Tx......leh bc kt ats nk g A&E tu ade abg tu yang anto naik wheelchair aaduh ilang macho aku dol!!!!! malu gle!!!!!!ngaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ms kt A&E lak ade lg sowng abg ni yang hanta aku g bilik konsultasi.........ngaaaaaaaaaaaa........maaaaaaaaaaaaalluuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!
ms kat konsultasi nasib baik dapat Dr penpuan nm die yang tak heaven nye ade die kt TRO ankel fracture adeh mood spoil dol!!!!!!!!!!! mau tak t kne extend sampai tahun depan..........
g x ray balik tu die cakap pe "meh ar tgk wayang...tak nk tgk wayang ke???"tau tak wayang tu ape xray aku la dalam line.... peh cuak tak tau nk ckap cam ner xray aku tu pelik but she said it ok may be normal................. huh!!??may be??????????
dah leh balik 2 ms tu die call kwndie cite hal aku kt kwn die...adeh kwn die tu aku tak kenal pn spe.....leh km salam lak kat aku + suruh aku blaja pandai2 ngeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
konpius aku kwn die tu yang tak leh bla...........adelak budak yang posting kat A&E budak radoigrafi die owg la yng sebok tlg xray aku........ngaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...................maaaaallluuuuuuuuuuuunyeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!
pastu DR,pt,org catering yang aku tak kenal pn tego aku adeh lagi tambah segan gileerrrrrrrrrrrr...........
nk sihat!!!!!


salam hai!!!!!! lme tak ngayat kat cni hahaha....penat la ni pon ponteng mesyuarat silat hahaha......... lantak la aku nk gak hepi2 cam org lain.... asik wat keje pon mn ade keje yang leh siap mst ade jer kje lain yang tunggu.... betul tak ni pon dah tgh stress nk exam ni 5+8 august ni ti peads+pkm.....ngaaaaaaaaaa susah gioler maaaaamaaaaaaaaa tolong.........!!!!!!!!!!!!

haah nak cite ni 25-27 julai yang lalu ade EPISMA08 kt dewan tunku cancelor UM........ mesti ade yg tny episma tu ape heh....????

EPISMA tu ekspo perubatan Islam malaysia 2008........... mcm2 acare yang dijalan kan..... alhamdulillah rsnye objektif tercapai.... ak jd salah seorang ekco perebatan Islam..... ngaaaaaa.........pengalaman baru tu..... aku yang pemalu lagi takot nk jumpe owg ni leh jumpe dgn beratus2 owg yang nk wt medical check up....... aku jg bahagian taking blood pressure jer..... naik expert dah gune BP ste manual hahaha mn tau nt klu kua osce t leh lah dapat markah penuh kat BP hehehe..... jgn jelez yeh....hahaha.....

tp yang tak best nyer...........ramai student UM sendiri yang tak datang bukan kene bayar pun yang bagus dari kolej 12,11 yang jauh2 tu datng tapi yang kolej dekat2 tak datang pon.... yang rs terkilan nyer ade gak yang dari universiti lain yang datang mcm UIA,UKM,UPM,UITM n etc......tapi student dalam tak datang pn..... rs ruigi juga lah kan bukan ape km yg student dari perubatan ni mcm DR,nurse,farmasi,radio,mlt n etc klu stakat nk wt medical check up tu kat bilik pn km leh wat ni yang bukan seangkatan dgn kmi tu mcm ne lak kan..........????????

tapi ape2 pn EPISMA patut diteruskan.........memperkenalkan bidang perubatan Islam dengan lebih mendalam n lebih dekat kpd masyarakat yang kurang memahami estetika yang diwarisi sejak dahulu lg...........

haha... tpi yang kelakar ade lak budak ni yag cakap dgn aku ape lg mus cri la jodoh.......... hahaha.......time kasih la ingat kan aku......... ade gak cube cari tapi.......... ngerk seperti biase aku mmang akan gagal dengan cemerlang bab tekel menekel nih hahaha........... oh yer klu btul ade jodoh aku kt luar sne 2 aku hadiah kan die Al Fatihah semoge die dilindungi Allah SWT........ mungkin bukan ms nye lg aku bertemu dgn die........ mungkin masing2 blum mempersiapkan diri dgn iman yang kukuh.......akhlak yng sempurna........pekerti yang elok.........

Buat jodohku,

ku doa kan mu semoga dirahmati olehNya....sentiasa dalam lindunganNya.....bahagia dalam kasihNya.......semoga pertemuan kita suatu hari nanti akn diberkati olehNya........

hahaha....jiwang lak jgn cakap kt sesape heh janji!!!!! klu tak nt ade yang putus tinge t hahaha............

skrg ni tgh nk pk nak wt kertas kerje tuk xtvt kembara.........waaaaaaaa.......... harap2 menjadilah amin~~~~ Pn pon asik cari aku jer klu tak jumpe siap pesan2 lg kat budak2 ni adeh bagi lah aku can nk rehat jap...... nk g mn msh dalm per bincangan yang penting aku nk xpdc ni bukan takat nk seronok jer tp pengisian rohani gak mesti ade klu tak sie2 jer ala aku rs kan..... objektif pon lum ade lg tp dalam kepale ni dah ade lah satu due objektif yang wajib dicapai aok aku klua kan salah satu dari pada nyer..... haha senag jer mengeratkan silaturahim antara KD macm biase la kat cni mesti ade jer yang akn bersikap ke KDan......hahaha....... moge Allah berkati ape yang aku usehekan Amin~~~~

rindu kat kwn2 lm(^_^) gatai tul aku nih!!!! hahha......... kla owh lom lupe insyaAllah kau akn ke Sabah tahun depan aku mls nk gi Baali,Bandung@beijing jauh keselamatan kureng terjamin.......g sabah leh bli kan mak aku mutiare btul tak........wt kwn2 yang aku yang tak g sabah leh lah kt tuka2 hadiah..............

k lah nk balik.....wassalam(^_^)")
aku x tau npe sejak akhir2 ni aku slalu tringat die.... sedih.... bukan stakat tu aje...aku tringat die sb aku rs die dah jauh sgt dr aku.... sedih.... memang sedih.... tp nasib baik lah aku ni study+pratikal sibuk giler.... klu tak mau mengong gak aku dok bilik gi kelas asik teringat die jer...ngaaaaa....
aku+kwn2 aku (F+M) lagu tema km 'menjaga hati' memang sesuai kot dgn keadaan aku ni hehe....sedih.... tapi aku still pamer senyum tahap killer 708000watt....... tahap membunuh punyer senyum hahaha...... mak anak mak ni hipokrit ke???? sedih........
ramai yang cakap tak yah tuggu jer.... mak fmly aku pn ckp cam tu tp aunty aku lg la tak kasi langsung aku kwn dgn die....ngeee dasat+tragis.... hahaha.... sedih..... bukan sorg 2 yang cakap mcm tu...argh..... aku rs nk bawak diri lah.... sedih.... rase malas dah nk duk m'sia ni lg klu aku dpt tawaran keje mn2 aku akan g gak..... xmo dah nk pk2 lg..... senang cite aaku ni majok tahap giler lah.... hahaha..... yer ke???? entah lah.........last2 aku kat sini gak x kemn pn..... sb aku ade tggjwb kat syg tu msh ade sise tuk fmly terutame kt mak+ayah aku..... sedihnye kish aku nk bercinte...... aduh.. sedih giler dol....... yg paling sedihnye kwn rapat die antar msg ckp 'x yah lah u tggu die u cr jelah y lain'ngeee....... statement membunuh perasaan aku tahap x de harapan dah klu wat resus pn....... macam line asistole jer... klu kat mesin ECG tuh........ adus kijamnye kisah ini....... ngeh3x kisah kasih ker????? klu x habis ape?????.........
aku tak tau npe sejak akhir2 ni aku slalu mimpi+tringak kt org2 y wt aku rs 1000001 mcm.... ngaaa......... exam final dah dekat...... jgn mcm2 Musliha.... exam - exam,akunyer perasaan x akan campur InsyaAllah.......(^_^)V
time aku sedih.......aku x suke msg dgn kwn2. aku takut nt trlepas cakap yg bukan2+takut t dieorg prasan lak aku mengong.........hahaha............
MUSLIHA!!!!!!! adk bukan nye ade ms dpn pn dgn dier!!!!!!!<----aaunty aku ckap...... kne ingat tuh!!!! dah2 jgn sedih2 mn tau ade org yg lbih baik lg utk adk..... hahaha.... aku tujukn lg 'move along' utk ko jgn cedey2 yeh....????


salam ari tu msk explore race kt mzium ngr....kre k la aku pnt tawaf 1/4 KL dapat gak hadiah....rm100+hamper...thn depan rs nk msk lg.....
jom la join skali..yer....
mlm ni adew meeting mhp kli ke brape aku x ingat sb byk kli dah....ngeeee....penat....kes study dpt yg bru infection of eye....
nk balik..................!!!!!!!!!!!
dah la wassalam...(^_^)")